AFK Journey

AFK Journey II Best Characters Tier List - Who To Build

2024-03-28 01:02:16 by:Lucas

With AFK Journey II ending its Beta Test server and officially releasing on the 27th of March, 2024, players all around the world will now be able to play the game to the fullest and experience the wonderful and amazing AFK RPG game with a colorful cast of heroes for them to roll for and play with in order to progress quickly in the game. With the game lays heavy focus on character growth, character skills and abilities to make good teams out of various powerful and unique heroes, it is highly important that players know of and understand the best characters to run in a team in order to be able to quickly progress in the game.


As such, a Tier list is important for players to have a better understanding of which characters are generally considered powerful and which of the characters that you should focus your resources and try to build teams around in order to make them work well with others and be able to clear more AFK stages as quickly as possible. 


Please keep in mind that, while this tier list is compiled from the beta data of the beta server coupled with meta teams of the best players and their opinions on the characters in game, this tier list is in many ways subjective. Therefore, if you were to have a different opinion on certain characters and their position in the tier list, please let us know (with sound reasoning) and we will consider adjusting the tier list accordingly. 



SS Rank

The characters in SS Rank are phenomeno in their position and power level as their abilities, skills and overall combat capabilities surpasses any other heroes in the game, making them prime targets for players to attempt to obtain in order to strengthen their team.



Rowan is an extremely powerful support character with the ability to use their ultimate to constantly regenerate other allies’ energy, making it extremely easy for other allies to be able to use their Ultimate faster and allow them to deal massive amounts of damage thanks to Rowan’s buffs.


Hewynn is the prime healing character in the game, with her abilities to constantly heal allies no matter what she is doing and her massive heal on ultimate, allowing her to keep the team alive and outlast the enemies.


Vala is a very versatile character with the ability to switch between melee and ranged mode, allowing her to fill 2 different roles in a team. Coupled that with her ability to deal true damage when she changes form, making her a very powerful and versatile DPS character to have in general.


Cecia is a unique Ranged hero with the ability to summon a powerful being to aid her in battle, tipping the scale in favor of the team due to the number advantage. Not only that, her summon can debuff the enemy, making them unable to move for a period of time as well.


Reinier is a very powerful hero in that he has the ability to completely remove an enemy from the battlefield until all other enemies have been defeated, allowing the team to deal with more powerful foes while he picks off the more annoying or fragile enemies in the team’s way.

S Rank 

S Rank characters are those that fulfill their role extremely well and are blessed with decent to powerful skills that can be used together with SS Rank characters in order to make good teams to clear most of the game’s early contents.


Bryon is a decently powerful hero with the ability to summon a familiar, allowing him to do more damage with his summons.

Granny Dahnie

Granny Dahnie is a very strong crowd control hero with her ability to prevent enemies from moving and damaging them at the same time.


Lyca is a versatile damage dealer that also buffs the attack speed of other allies, allowing her to both deal decent damage and support the team.


Eironn is a useful character with high burst damage with his ultimate and skills, allowing him to deal massive amounts of damage and stun the enemy.


Carolina is a powerful hero that can inflict enemies with frostbite and create a field that reduces the attack speed, allowing her to hinder their combat abilities immensely.


Scarlita’s skills allow her to create special environment alterations that massively help the team to pick off the enemies one by one, disorientating their formation and disrupting their buffs.


Dionel is a DPS character that makes himself unable to be hit, massively improves his survivability while dealing massive blows of damage.


Silvina is a quick attacker at the battle start, reducing the enemies’ energy, making them unable to use their ultimate and killing them before they do real damage to her allies.


Viperian is a unique hero who reduces his own HP in order to possess the enemies, allowing him to massively drain their HP and debuff them.


Antandra is a very powerful tank that can taunt the enemies to take the heat off her allies while also buffing the attack speed of another ally, allowing them to safely kill the enemies.

A Rank

Heroes at the A Rank level still do a decent job within their roles, however, their skill kit is a bit lacking in strength or effects when compared to other characters at SS or S Rank. However, at higher enhancement, they can still fit well in some teams and can be used in various situations where their skill kits can shine.


Arden is an interesting hero that can summon lightning on the battlefield to continuously hit enemies over a wide area. However, his lightning only hits enemies that are under controlled effect, making his ability not useful when enemies aren’t debuffed.


Valen is a pure damage dealing character with decent powerful damaging skills and ultimate, however, he lacks survivability and damage buffs to truly make his damage outshine other DPS options.


Seth is a rogue hero that targets the weakest enemy in the enemies’ team, dealing damage and stunning them with his ultimate. However, his damage modifiers are quite low and there are too many heroes that counter his ability, making him a bit lacking in terms of damage potential.


Brutus is a pure damage dealer that has the biggest weakness being his low damage modifier and short attacking range in addition to low survivability, making him a very fragile DPS option to use. However, he can still dish out decent damage with the help of buffers.


Rhys is yet another powerful glass cannon Dps character that is held back solely due to his passive, making him unable to move or attack when he is under any kind of Control debuffs.


Berial is a unique hero in that he can hide himself from the battle and continuously deal damage to 1 enemy until they are defeated. However, this means that he will only target 1 enemy constantly, making it more likely for other allies to get hit while he’s not on the field and massively reduces his damage potential against other enemies.


Igor is another summoning hero. However, his summons takes quite a while to have any real effect on the battle, making him a very slow and situational DPS option.


Niru is a very unique support in that he can prevent an ally from falling in battle with his ultimate. However, that is the only good thing he can do and it is locked behind his ultimate, making it a very situational ability to use on the team.


Marilee is a pure DPS character that can deal damage to enemies closest to her. Her limiting factor lies in her lack of damage buffs on her skills and her relatively low damage modifiers.


Temesia is a decently powerful tank that is hindered by her passive that makes her charges at the enemy furthest away from her, making the entire team behind her vulnerable against enemies’ attacks once she is not guarding them.

B Ranks and Unranked

Aside from the characters ranked here in this tier list, other characters fall under the B rank tier, meaning their skills are not worth investing in and players should probably use other characters to replace them in teams.


However, there are certain characters that remain unranked due to the relative newness of the game’s release and adjustments would be made in future iterations of the tier list once the game has reached a comfortable point.

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