AFK Journey

AFK Journey Noble Path - How To Level Up Quickly And Gets All Rewards

2024-04-29 21:20:04 by:Lucas

As AFK Journey contents continue to grow and advance, many players have had the opportunity to experience many interesting and exciting new contents and gamemodes that allows them to obtain a large amounts of rewards and challenge themselves in order to reach the highest possible ranking on their server’s leaderboard by competing with each other. However, as much as it is important to try out the new game modes and advance higher, it is also equally important that players be aware of AFK Journey’s fundamental gamemode and the gamemode that will help players advance as much as they possibly can in their journey - the Battle Pass like mechanic available in AFK Journey - Noble Path


In this guide, we will go over the important notes regarding AFK Journey’s special battle pass mechanic - Noble Path and show players what they can do to quickly level up Noble Path in order to obtain as much rewards possible from this function in order to advance even further in the rankings and help to upgrade their teams to be the best possible before the Noble Path season end.



AFK Journey - Noble Path - Everything You Need To Know

Like other gacha games and AFK games before it, AFK Journey also offers players a special feature similar in nature to other games’ Battle Passes, where players need to do certain missions and tasks in order to obtain large amounts of rewards. This special feature is known as Noble Path in AFK Journey and is something that is available for all players once they have reached a certain AFK stage.

Noble Path - What You Need To Know

As established, Noble Path is the Battle Pass feature of AFK Journey, meaning players will need to level up the Noble Path by completing various missions and tasks in order to obtain EXPs and increase the level of Noble Path in order to obtain various rewards for each level that players have achieved. The duration of the Noble Path is dependent on the content season of the game and it will be available for the entire duration of the season. In addition, the maximum level of the Noble Path is capped at 100 levels, with each level rewarding players with rewards once they have reached the specific levels. For each 1000 EXP the players obtain, one level will be achieved.

The Noble Path missions consist of 3 different tiers, each with different requirements that players need to complete in order to obtain EXP for the Noble Path, the more difficult the mission is, the more EXPs they will grant and the more rewards players will be able to obtain. The 3 categories of missions are: 

- Daily Missions: The daily missions consist of 4 set missions that players need to do everyday in order to obtain EXPs for the Noble Path. If players were to do these daily, they would be able to obtain 640 EXP every day, for a total of 4480 EXPs, equalling 4 and a half levels of the Noble Path.

- Weekly Missions: The weekly missions consist of 7 different missions that players can gradually complete throughout the week, with many missions requiring consecutive actions throughout the week in order to accomplish, with these missions giving a large amounts of EXPs to the Noble Path, rewarding players with 7000 EXPs every week, equalling 7 levels in the battles pass.

- Epic Missions: Epic Missions are special one time only missions that players can only clear once throughout the duration of the Noble Path season. These missions are tied to specific achievements in various game modes that players can accomplish throughout their playing duration. These missions reward players handsomely with large amounts of EXP, with most missions of this type rewarding players with 1000+ points for each mission accomplished, with the higher the mission difficulty, the more points are rewarded. Once completed, players can easily obtain up to 20 levels after finishing all of these missions. Additionally, with more game modes being introduced and time progressing, more and more Epic missions will also be introduced, allowing players to obtain even more points.

Noble Path - Rewards

Like various other gacha games and RPG games before it, the Battle Pass rewards of AFK Journey’s Noble Path are also dependant on the levels that players have achieved by completing missions and obtaining EXPs in addition to being divided into 2 different categories: Fun Travelogue and Secret Travelogue, or as many people puts it, the free rewards path and the Paid reward path.


- The Fun Travelogue contains rewards that all players will be able to obtain for free once they have reached the level to obtain the rewards. These rewards mainly contain essential materials, currencies and special rewards that help players to advance further in the game by upgrading their heroes and to help form better and stronger teams. Notably, when players reach level 50 and 100, they will obtain special rewards such as Epic Summoning tickets. However, as the rewards here are for all players and are free, the quantity of rewards are quite limited.

- The Secret Travelogue is the paid rewards section for the Noble Path and contains large amounts of rewards that only paid players can obtain in addition to the rewards from The Fun Travelogue section of the Noble Path. To unlock the Secret Travelogue, players can choose between the pack that only unlocks this path for 9.99$ or choose the special Legendary pack that unlock the path for 19.99$ but also gives players 20 extra levels right away, helping to give players a large boost to obtain all of the Noble Path’s rewards. Secret Travelogue rewards are extremely generous and give large quantities of rewards when compared to the normal free rewards. In addition, for every 5 and 10 levels players have achieved, special rewards worth 3000% the value of the normal Travelogue will be rewarded to players as well.

AFK Journey - Noble Path - Tips And Tricks To Level Up Quickly

As the Noble Path is only available for the duration of a content season, leveling the Noble Path up in order to obtain all of the rewards is extremely necessary for players, therefore, here are some tips and tricks players should follow in order to maximize their leveling process and obtain all of the Noble Path’s rewards.

Always Finish Your Daily & Weekly Missions

For most free to play players, completing the daily and weekly missions are the single best thing that they need to do in order to be able to max the Noble Path level before the end of a content season. As mentioned previously, doing daily and weekly missions will gradually offer players a decent amount of EXPs to level their Noble Path. If players were to complete all of their Daily and Weekly missions throughout the week, they would be able to obtain at least 10 levels worth of EXPs every week and would be able to max the Noble Path levels in under 10 weeks.

Set Epic Missions As Your Goals

Epic Missions are available throughout the season and are considered very achievement oriented and reward players handsomely with large amounts of EXPs once players have managed to complete them. Therefore, if players do not have a good idea of what to do next in the game, setting the Epic Missions as goals that they need to achieve in their journey is extremely recommended. Once they have accomplished their goal and obtain the Noble Path EXPs from the Epic Missions, not only will they feel rewarded, they will also be able to advance further in the game with a better sense of direction.

Consider Getting The Secret Travelogue

The Secret Travelogue offers a large amount of currencies and materials players will need in addition to various premium items that normal players do not get access to. If players aim for the top of their server and want to dominate the leaderboard, getting the Secret Travelogue will help immensely and will reward players handsomely with better rewards to advance even further than other players in the game.

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