- Marksman
- Physical
- Dawn Light
- Starry Void
- Nectar Feast
- Hero Focus
- Celestial Spear
- Enhance Force
Cooldown Time(s)
Skill Range
Initial Energy
Skill Info
Dionel soars into the air and cannot be targeted for 6s, during which he attacks the area with the most enemies using sword shock, dealing 170% damage to all adjacent enemies. The last hit of sword shock knocks the enemy up, and its damage dealt is increased to 250%.
Unlocks at level 51: Gains a Nectar Feast buff within the effect duration. Using this skill won't shorten its duration until the skill ends if Dionel has already been buffed.
Unlocks at level 111: Increases the damage of sword shock to 180% and the damage of its last hit to 260%.
Unlocks at level 171: The skill duration is extended by 2s if Dionel achieves an Assist or Kill, triggered only once per casting.
Unlocks at level 231: Increases the damage of sword shock to × 190% and the damage of its last hit to 270%.