- Rogue
- Magic
- Mutual Reflection
- Dynamic Balance
- Golden Ratio
- Hero Focus
- Tuned Art
- Enhance Force
Cooldown Time(s)
Skill Range
Initial Energy
Skill Info
If non-summoned allies outnumber non-summoned enemies, Reinier selects an enemy, dealing 230% damage, and teleporting to another dimension with the target for 10s. Otherwise, only the target will be teleported to another dimension while Reinier remains on the battlefield. If the target is under Steadfast or Unaffected, or if the target is the only non-summoned enemy alive, Reinier will deal 450% damage instead of entering another dimension. This skill prioritizes the healthiest nonsummoned enemy.
Level 2: The Mutual Reflection works on an extra enemy if nonsummoned enemies outnumber allies by at least 2. Reduces the duration of transferring this enemy to another dimension to 7s.
Level 3: Increases the damage to 250%. The damage is increased to 460% if the target is steadfast, unaffected, or the only non-summoned unit alive.
Level 4: Increases the damage to 260%. The damage is increased to 480% if the target is steadfast, unaffected, or the only non-summoned unit alive
Level 5: Increases the damage to 270%. The damage is increased to 500% if the target is steadfast, unaffected, or the only non-summoned unit alive