Reverse: 1999 Wiki
Arcanist Bond Guide - How To Obtain Clear Drops For Free

With Reverse: 1999 going on full swing with many future banners and new characters being released constantly with its fast update patch release pace, players will be extremely hard-pressed to gather the premium currency of the game - Clear Drops to be able to roll on these newly introduced upcoming banners. But with a limited amount of clear drops obtainable from daily and weeklies and general contents, what can players do to obtain even more clear drops to be able to roll for new characters? Well, they should take advantage of one of the game’s most interesting and important mechanics - the Arcanist Bond System, which can reward players with up to 30 free pulls and more worth of clear drops.


In this guide, we will go over the information and intricate details of the Arcanist bond level system and show players how they can best obtain special Bond Levels for Arcanist in order to obtain 1 free pulls per Arcanists own, for up to 30 and more free pulls worth of Clear Drops simply by farming game stages and more.


Arcanist Bond Level System - Everything You Need To Know

The special Bond level system in Reverse: 1999 is an intricate system that rewards players for using Arcanists in many different fights constantly in order to obtain bond points and increase their bond level through battling in order to be able not only increase the Aracanists’ stats but also unlocking special items that are unique to to every single Arcanist and their stories, allowing players to obtain up to 1 free summoning worth of Clear drops per Arcanist that have reached their maximum potential.

Arcanist Bond Meter

Every Arcanists have their own bond level meter that goes from 0% to 100% and players can increase this bond level through various means such as bringing them into battle as a core member of the team, bringing them to the fights as a supporting member of the team, inviting them to the wilderness island, and interacting with them by setting them as your favorite characters on the main screen.

By increasing these special meters, players will be able to increase some amount of stats for the Arcanist in question, strengthen their performance in combat overall and unlock special story and special items unique to every single arcanist in the game. Furthermore, increasing the bond level will unlock special interactions for the Arcanists, allowing players to be able to play through special scenes and dialogues for each Arcanists.

Bond Items 

Each individual Arcanists has 3 special item pages that players can unlock by increasing the bond level of the Arcanists to 60% and 100%. These items offer players a closer look to the items that held lore and emotional importance to the individual Arcanists or tools that help them be able to perform Arcane skills in the first place. These items are unique to each individual Arcanists and carry with them important character lore for each Arcanists as well.

By unlocking these item pages, players will be rewarded with Clear drops for each item page unlocked, 30 Clear drops for each individual item pages unlocked, with each Arcanists having 2 item pages that can be unlocked at 60% and 100% Bond level. This means that players will be able to obtain 60 free clear drops for completely unlocking the item pages for each individual Arcanists.

Special Bond Story

Each individual Arcanists has 3 bond story pages that players can unlock by increasing the bond level of the Arcanists to 50% and 80%. These story pages offer players a closer look to the personal story of individual arcanists of their upbringing, their special important lore and story that players need to understand and their sole motivation to help us on the journey. These special bond stories offer players a window into the overall back story behind each individual Arcanists and will help players connect more with the characters you use in the battle.

By unlocking these special bond stories, players will be rewarded with Clear drops for special bond stories unlocked, 30 Clear drops for each individual bond story unlocked, with each Arcanists having 2 item pages that can be unlocked at 40% and 80% Bond level. This means that players will be able to obtain 60 free clear drops for completely all bond stories for each individual Arcanists.

How Much Free Clear Drops Can You Obtain?

As we explained, by increasing the bond level of each individual Arcanists to the 100% mark, players will be able to unlock all of the item pages and bond stories for these Arcanists and obtain 120 Clear Drops per Arcanist. This means that, if players were to have all of the Arcanists available in the game as of writing this article (around 46 Arcanists in total) then players will be able to obtain up to 5520 Clear Drops for free by increasing the bond level of all Arcanists to 100%. This amount of clear drops will be equivalent to 30 free pulls for players to grab.

How To Increase Bond Level For Arcanists

There are several ways that players can increase the bond level of their Arcanists, some are more hands on approach and some do not require the players to spend much time worrying about their Arcanists that much yet will still be able to increase the bond level of that Arcanist.

Bring The Arcanists To Battle

The most direct way to increase Arcanists' bond level is to bring them to fight with you. For each battle that the Arcanists fight, their bond level will increase proportional to the amount of Stamina you spend on a stage. In addition, the harder the stage, the more bond points your Arcanists will receive in turn. 

However, it is important to note that this main method only allows you to really farm bond for 4 active Arcanists of your choice at a time, in addition to requiring you built those Arcanists up so that they can actually clear the battle without dying, making this a very inefficient way to level up bond for Arcanists whose kit are quite weak or whose stats are low.

Invite Your Arcanists To The Wilderness

Another way players can increase the bond level of Arcanists is by inviting them to your Wilderness island. At the maximum island level, players will be able to house up to 10 different Arcanists at the same time, with their bond level gradually increasing while they stay at your island.

Keep in mind, however, that there is a limit cap to the bond level increase for these Arcanists every 10 hours, and only when players log into the game and claim these bond points that are max capacity will the bond points for these Arcanists continue to be accumulated overtime.

Set The Arcanists On The Main Screen 

The last method to increase the bond level of an Arcanist is to set them as your favorite Arcanist on the main screen. By doing this and interacting with them on a daily basis, players will be able to increase their bond level simply by clicking on them every time they log into the game.

Increasing Arcanist Bond Level - Tips And Tricks

Change The 4th Member Slot Of Your Party Often

As battling is the most direct way to increase bond points, players will often stick to 1 team that is strong enough to clear the hard contents in their game. However, most of the time, the support 4th slot of a team does not come onto the field. Therefore, players can put an Arcanists that they want to increase the bond level on the 4th slot so that they can reap the bond points from completing the battle stages.

Invite Unused Arcanists To The Wilderness

As mentioned, the wilderness can increase the bond level of up to 10 Arcanists at the same time without the players having to do much to maintain. Therefore, players should take advantage of this to increase the bond level of 10 different Arcanists that they don’t often use for battle, allowing the players to still obtain the clear drops from their bond level increase without having to bring them actual battle.

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