Wuthering Waves

Wuthering Waves Brand New Boss & Echoes Leaked - What To Expect

2024-04-25 21:39:50 by:

With Wuthering Waves release date of 22nd of May quickly approaching, brand new internal beta testing have been progressing in the background by the game developers in order to ensure that the game will have a successful launch. Within these internal beta tests, brand new data and gameplay news have been added for testing and have been leaked by certain reliable sources, including the animations and details of some of the upcoming important contents for Wuthering Waves - the brand new world boss - what the community dubbed Crowned and her details.


In this we will go over the details and models of the leaked potential new end game boss of Wuthering Waves’ first story chapter - Crowned and show players some of her impressive animation work.


Please note that all of this information, including names and descriptions are subject to change, therefore, the information provided in this article may be vastly different from what will end up in the official game release.

Brand New Boss - Crowned/ True Uncrowned

A variant of a previous existing Echo from the game’s 2nd close beta - Crownless, a brand new more completed version of the specific type of monster will appear as one of the most challenging contents in Wuthering Waves.

New Boss

As can be seen from her model and in game description, it is highly likely that this entity will exist as one of the more powerful bosses in the game aside from the generic world bosses that Rovers have had the opportunity to face in the 2nd Close Beta of the game. She may even be the final boss of the 1st story chapter currently in development by the Wuthering Waves. Due to her appearance and overall importance and resemblance to the previously existing Echo - Crownless, many players from the community have begun to call her with the name “Crowned”, her official tentative name currently known as True Uncrowned.


Brand New Echo - Unwarranted

In addition to the name boss enemy, an associated Echo have also been leaked that may suggest that it will be the main reward for challenging the Crowned/ True Uncrowned boss.


This Echo is leaked to only drop from defeating Crowned/ True Uncrowned boss and is the signature Echo that can be used for Havoc Rover and other Havoc characters, however, these details may change in the future.

New Echo

The brand new Echo - Unwarranted, is a 4 cost Echo with the ability to, once used, transform the user into the Unwarranted, charging forward with a spinning charge and dealing damage to enemies surrounding them. It has the Havoc Eclipse resonance, suitable to be used for Havoc elemental characters. However, its main and possible stats have yet to be discovered, making it difficult for players to determine which of the Resonators will have the best time using this Echo.

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