Wuthering Waves

Wuthering Waves - Lingyang Build Guide

2024-06-19 17:32:08 by:Sidneymar

Best Lingyang Build - Overview



Lingyang is one of the 3 characters upon global release to have the highest base attack of 437 at max level 90. Along with Jiyan and Calcharo, Lingyang can be built as a pure DPS character that is able to provide a damage boost for himself after casting his Resonance Liberation. Lingyang also has no cooldown time between Resonance Skill uses, which means that he can easily proc any passive that requires Resonance Skill activation.

One of the issues you may find when you reach Union Level 30 and onwards is that you do not have plenty of crit rate at your disposal for any character that you want to build. Without a high enough or consistent crit rate, you will stagnate your progress when taking on higher level enemies because your resources will continuously be consumed by RNG substat farming for your echoes. The solution is to use a transitional build for Lingyang during the midgame until you have good pieces that can be used for endgame builds.



Best Lingyang Build - Weapon



Lingyang does not have a wide selection of weapons, but since he has low energy recharge requirements, weapons with offensive secondary stats such as ATK%, Crit Rate and Crit DMG are the most favorable as opposed to Energy Recharge. Most of Lingyang’s damage is from his Forte, so energy recharge is not as necessary as it is for Calcharo and Jiyan. Below are the damage ratios of the best gauntlets for Lingyang.


DPS Lingyang Weapon Damage Comparison - Version 1.0

DPS Lingyang Weapon Damage Comparison - Version 1.0


Abyss Surges

Abyss Surges - 5 Star Gauntlet

Abyss Surges - 5 Star Gauntlet


Lingyang’s best weapon for both transitional (midgame) and endgame builds is the Abyss Surges. This 5 star weapon is obtained through the Standard Weapon Convene. Its high base attack, and ATK% secondary stat as well as its passive that requires both basic attacks and resonance skill to proc is a perfect fit for Lingyang’s damage mostly comes from his Basic Attacks and his Resonance Skill.



Stonard - 4 Star Gauntlet

Stonard - 4 Star Gauntlet


The Stonard is obtained at Rank 1 from level 30 in the battle pass (Pioneer Podcast). Purchasing the Connoisseur edition ($20) of the battle pass will allow you to get an extra synthesis material for increasing the weapon rank, allowing you to get a Rank 2 Stonard with one battle pass. 


This is the easiest weapon to build crit rate on Lingyang, which is especially useful for his midgame build. This weapon’s secondary stat will provide 20.2% crit rate at level 90 for Lingyang while the passive will only buff his Resonance Liberation damage. Although his liberation does have moderate scaling, the better part of his liberation is the 50% Glacio Damage Bonus it provides Lingyang. You will need to use his Resonance Skill before using his Resonance Liberation to proc this, but since his skill has no cooldown, it is no issue for Lingyang.


Hollow Mirage

Hollow Mirage - 4 Star Gauntlet

Hollow Mirage - 4 Star Gauntlet


Hollow Mirage is Lingyang’s best weapon if you are not wanting to invest in a 5 star weapon or in the battle pass. The passive even at Rank 5 is not a significant boost to his attack, only providing a maximum of 15% ATK. The downside is that you can only maintain this 15% boost if you do not take damage. This opposes Lingyang’s playstyle from his Sequence 1 (Resonance Chain) and beyond, where Lingyang has increased interruption resistance during Lion’s Vigor to not interrupt his combo and tank the damage. Even if you have a shield, any damage taken will reduce the buff.


Gauntlets of Night

Gauntlets of Night - 3 Star Gauntlet

Gauntlets of Night - 3 Star Gauntlet


Lingyang’s best 3 star option is the Gauntlets of Night. As mentioned before, Lingyang has a high base attack and is not reliant on his liberation for damage windows, so he can fully focus his weapon stats towards offensive boosts. This weapon does require Lingyang to be in a party with another character that will have their Outro Skill available before Lingyang takes the field. This is still the best 3 star option for Lingyang as a solo character, but you will not be able to proc it’s passive without teammates.



Best Lingyang Build - Echoes


As mentioned in the overview, Lingyang will have a midgame build (transitional) and endgame build. The midgame build is to help you get better value from Lingyang during Union Level 30 and onwards, until you have good enough sub stat rolls to build him with an endgame build for his maximum damage potential.


Midgame (Transitional) Build


Using a 4-4-1-1-1 echo formation (this means 2 Overlord 4 COST echoes and 3 Common 1 COST echoes) you will achieve a minimum of 49% crit rate without any substats. This is very good for all weapon choices on Lingyang apart from the Stonard because it means that Lingyang can easily achieve a consistent crit rate without incredible crit rate rolls from your echo substats.

4-4-1-1-1 Echo Formation for midgame Lingyang Build

4-4-1-1-1 Echo Formation for midgame Lingyang Build


This echo formation is only used when you are using the Abyss Surges, Hollow Mirage and Gauntlets of Night. Because there is only one option for your Overlord echo in the Glacio Set, you are forced to use the Lingering Tunes set as well, providing Lingyang a 10% Glacio BOnus and 10% ATK bonus. However, you can still use two of the same Overlord echoes since you only need 4 echoes to achieve both 2-pc set bonuses instead of all 5 pieces counting towards the set bonus.

If you are using the Stonard or any other crit rate gauntlet, then you will still be able to use a 4-3-3-1-1 echo formation during the transitional phase to an endgame build. This is the easiest weapon to achieve maximum potential with, but the potential is still higher with Abyss Surges.


During the midgame build with the Stonard you will use a crit rate 4 COST echo, and this will eventually be replaced with a crit damage 4 COST echo when you have enough crit rate.

4-3-3-1-1 Echo Formation for midgame Lingyang Build with Stonard gauntlets

4-3-3-1-1 Echo Formation for midgame Lingyang Build with Stonard gauntlets


Endgame Build


Using a 4-3-3-1-1 echo formation (this means 1 Overlord 4 COST echoes, 2 Elite 3 COST echoes and 2 Common 1 COST echoes) you will achieve Lingyang’s maximum damage potential. 


For all your weapon choices except the Stonard, Lingyang will use the same echo formation that he uses during the transitional build with the Stonard. Once you have enough crit rate to reach 65%+ and above, this is the build that will allow Lingyang to achieve his maximum damage potential. This will also allow Lingyang to utilize the full 5pc Glacio Set bonus.

4-3-3-1-1 Echo Formation for endgame Lingyang Build

4-3-3-1-1 Echo Formation for endgame Lingyang Build


If you have the Stonard equipped on Lingyang for your endgame build, then you only need to replace the crit rate 4 COST echo with a crit damage 4 COST echo, when you have enough crit rate from your substats.

4-3-3-1-1 Echo Formation for endgame Lingyang Build with Stonard gauntlets

4-3-3-1-1 Echo Formation for endgame Lingyang Build with Stonard gauntlets


Echo Substats

The best substats for Lingyang are found below. Basic Attack DMG is Lingyang highest percentage of damage from his kit, and should be favored over all other attribute bonuses. ATK% is better than an attribute bonus since Lingyang has damage from various different parts of his kit and will provide a universal damage increase.

DPS Lingyang Substat Priority

DPS Lingyang Substat Priority



Best Lingyang Build - Forte/Talent Priority


Lingyang's main damage source is from his Basic Attack, Resonance Skill and Forte Circuit. His Resonance Liberation provides a fixed 50% Glacio DMG Bonus independent of its level. 

Ideal DPS Lingyang combo during default state

Ideal DPS Lingyang combo during default state


Ideal DPS Lingyang combo during Lion’s Vigor state (Air Attacks)

Ideal DPS Lingyang combo during Lion’s Vigor state (Air Attacks)


Using the 2 ideal combos for Lingyang listed above, his Forte Priority becomes:

1. Forte Circuit = Basic Attack

2. Resonance Skill

3. Resonance Liberation = Intro Skill



Best Lingyang Build - Team Comps



Lingyang has a very good F2P hypercarry team that improves as you obtain sequences for any of the characters in the team. This team is made up of:


Lingyang - Sanhua - Baizhi


Sanhua can be built with a 5pc Moonlit Clouds and used directly before swapping to lingyang to provide a 22.5% ATK boost and Basic Attack DMG Deepening. Meanwhile Baizhi can be used as a team-wide buffer and healer with a 5pc Rejuvenating Glo.

A replacement for Sanhua is Taoqi who can provide a Resonance Skill DMG Deepen instead of a Basic Attack DMG Deepen while still using a 5pc Moonlit Cloud set.

Verina is a replacement for Baizhi, but at S6 Baizhi becomes just as good for Verina in a mono-glacio team comp.

S6 Chixia is a high investment replacement for Sanhua, but will allow you to use the Static Mist weapon for an additional buff.


Also, you can watch the video of Lingyang Build Guide created by Sidneymar here:

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