Wuthering Waves

Wuthering Waves Rerolling Guide - Who To Roll For

2024-05-22 17:31:15 by:Lucas

With Wuthering Waves releasing on the 21st of May, many exciting rover wanna-be players are eagerly waiting for their chance to start diving into the world of Wuthering Waves and uncover the many secrets and play with many of the game’s amazing Resonators. In order to have a perfect start in the game and obtain all of the best resonators in the game, it is important that players know how to Reroll for their perfect account once the game starts in order to get their favorite 5* Resonators and the best start in the game.


In this guide, we will go over how players can reroll in Wuthering Waves in 3 easy steps. In addition, we will also go over how the starting banners works and advise players on the best Resonators they should aim for when rerolling in the game in order to have the best possible start in Wuthering Waves upon its release.



Wuwa thumbnail

Wuthering Waves - How To Reroll In 3 Easy Steps

In order to have the best rerolling experience in Wuthering Waves, it is highly recommended that players play Wuthering Waves on PC and is able to make various Kurogames account using multiple emails in order to be able to log into the game on multiple accounts at once using the Multi Instances function.

Step 1: Download The Game And Set Up Kurogame Accounts

The first thing players need to do when rerolling in Wuthering Waves is to download the game and set up their Kurogames accounts once the game has finished downloading. This can easily be achieved by downloading the game directly from the game’s official website or downloading the game in the google play store on the emulator.

LDPlayer Multiple Instances

Important Tips: If players intend to reroll multiple accounts at once using the Multi Instances Function, it is highly recommended that players download Wuthering Waves and all of the game’s data fully on 1 instance first, then duplicate that instance into multiple other instances. This will help save the time players would have needed to spend to download the game’s data on the other emulator instances. 

Step 2: Complete The Game Tutorial

The second step is the most important and time consuming part where players will need to complete the game’s tutorial and a few initial combat guides in order to reach a point where players can start rolling in the Gacha and obtain brand new Resonators.

Wuwa mainscreen

It is highly recommended that players complete the game’s tutorial until they are able to claim the game’s Pre-registration rewards in the mail to use the rewards to roll on the different gacha banners. If the result is referable, players can keep the account, if not, players should proceed to the 3rd step of this guide.

Step 3: Repeat The Rerolling Process

The 3rd and final step is only done when you haven’t gotten the Resonators you were aiming for or if the players are not satisfied with the amount of currencies they have spent to get the Resonators.


If this is the case, players can log out of the Kurogames accounts on the multi instances and make brand new Kurogames accounts in order to start the rerolling process anew, without having to redownload all of the game’s data. However, please note that the process will take players some times to make brand new email accounts to be used as emails for the Kurogames accounts. Therefore, it is highly recommended that players prepare the email accounts beforehand when they attempt to reroll in Wuthering Waves.

Wuthering Waves Rerolling - What To Aim For

With the rerolling steps having been established, it is important for players to understand the details regarding Wuthering Wave’s first few hours of gameplay in order for players to be able to decide on what they should focus on in order to get the best possible accounts while rerolling.


Here are some important things players should consider when rerolling in Wuthering Waves:

Novice Convene Banner

The first important thing that players need to understand about Wuthering Waves’ Gacha banner when rerolling is that the game offers players a Novice Convene Banner, with the banner guaranteed to give players one of the 5 5* Starter Resonators in the permanent Gacha Pool once they have done a total of 50 pulls on the banner.

Novice Banner

This means that players will always be guaranteed to be able to obtain at least 1 5* Resonator no matter if they reroll or not. So if you are a player who do not care much for an account with multiple 5* Resonator and only want to get a single 5* Resonator, then you can skip the rerolling process entirely.










Standard Character Convene Vs Limited Character Convene

If players intend to reroll for multiple 5* characters in an account aside from the Novice Convene banner, they would need to decide if they should reroll on the Standard Character Convene Banner or the Limited Character Convene Banner.

Limited Character Banner

As the name suggests, the only difference between these two banners are the rated up Limited Character that is only available on the Limited Character Convene Banner. If players were to be able to obtain the limited 5* character through rerolling, the account would be extremely valuable and it would serve as an excellent starting account. However, it is important to note that the game only gives out a lot of rolling currencies at the start of the game for the Standard Character Convene Banner, not the Limited Character Convene Banner, so the rerolling process may take a lot longer if you intend on rerolling on the Limited Character Convene Banner for the Limited Character.




In addition, aside from the Novice Banner which guarantee a 5* Resonator after 50 pulls, the Standard Character Convene and the Limited Character Convene only guarantees a 5* Resonator after 80 pulls and have the rate of 5* set at 0.8%. So players should consider when rerolling in these banners for 5* Resonators as it may take a lot of time and a lot of attempts to be able to obtain 5*s outside of the Novice Convene Banner. However, players will be able to CHOOSE the Standard 5* Resonator to obtain the first time they roll a 5* Resonator on the Standard Convene Banner.

Best Resonators To Reroll For

If players intend to reroll in Wuthering Waves but still do not have an idea of which Resonators are good in terms of both 5* and 4* Resonators in the game, then it is quite important for them to look at the Resonator’s tier list to have a better understanding of what the different Resonators are capable of.


A rule of thumb for when players intend to reroll in Wuthering Waves is that the Limited Rated Up 5* Resonator on the Limited Character Convene Banner is the most valuable Resonator to have when starting in the game, with the other 5 Standard 5* Resonators follow after and the different 4* Resonators follow in last.

Best Starting Accounts To Aim For

The best possible starting accounts that players can aim for when rerolling in Wuthering Waves is ideally accounts that have multiple different 5* Resonators at the start of the game.


For Example, a prime starting account that players should aim for is an account with the Limited 5* Resonator + 1 or 2 more Standard 5* Resonators. This type of account would be the best possible outcome when rerolling and should be the perfect starting point for any players starting out in Wuthering Waves.

Best Reroll Account Combination


and / or







Limited 5* Resonator

Standard 5* Resonator

Standard 5* Resonator


Alternatively, players could also aim for an account that have a lot of different Resonators instead, both 4* and 5* Resonators. This will help players to have a diverse set of Resonators to work with in the early game and help them to make multiple teams to challenge the different contents in the game.

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