Wuthering Waves

Wuthering Waves Tower of Adversity Guide - How to Obtain All Rewards

2024-03-18 02:09:53 by:Lucas

Update: 5.27.2024


With Wuthering Waves release, many dedicated players have had the chance to experience the game through to the mid and end game by leveling up their union levels to a certain degree and unlock various special gameplay features and game modes that rewards players for having built good enough teams and have invested in different types of Resonators.


One of the most important end game contents and the thing players should aim to build their teams in order to finish building their Resonators and Teams is the Tower of Adversity, a gauntlet filled with dangerous enemies where players will have to clear different floors in the fastest and most efficient way possible to obtain various important rewards including a large amount of premium currencies, character upgrading materials, weapon upgrading materials, exclusive Echoes and Echoes upgrading materials as well as important materials to ascend characters, weapons and echoes.


In this guide, we will go over some important tips and tricks to guide players through the Tower of Adversity in Wuthering Waves.



Tower of Adversity - What To Expect

Tower of Adversity is a special end game content available in Wuthering Waves once players have finished the main story quest to a certain point and have reached a certain Union Level through Challenges and Boss battles. Once unlocked, players will be able to challenge the Tower of Adversity as many times as they want in order to obtain special rewards from the tower.


The tower challenges consist of different Zones, each containing different sets of challenges with different amounts of enemies and enemy types that require the players to defeat in order to clear the tower.

Tower Team Set Up

Stable Zone

Stable Zone is the first Zone of the Tower of Adversity, consisting of 1 single zone of challenge, containing 4 different stages that require players to defeat large groups of enemies within the time limit in order to be able to obtain the rewards. If players manage to clear the stages before a certain time threshold passes, they will be rewarded with stars corresponding to the amount of time they spent, with each stage rewarding 3 stars each, up to 12 stars in total.

Stable Zone

The recommended level for Resonators when challenging the Stable Zone is level 30 to 40, on account that this is the first and easiest Zone for players who have just unlocked the Tower of Adversity.

Experiment Zone

The Experiment Zone is the second Zone of the Tower of Adversity, consisting of 2 zones of challenges, containing 8 different stages that require players to defeat large groups of enemies within the time limit in order to be able to obtain the rewards. If players manage to clear the stages before a certain time threshold passes, they will be rewarded with stars corresponding to the amount of time they spent, with each stage rewarding 3 stars each, up to 24 stars in total.

Experiment Zone

Unlike the previous Experiment Zone, due to having 2 different zone challenges, players will be required to make at least 2 different Resonator teams, with each team containing 3 Resonators each in order to be able to successfully challenge the Experiment Zone. It is highly recommended that players rotate between different Resonators while challenging the Experiment Zone

Tower Rewards

Upon completing both the Stable Zone and Experiment Zone, players will be rewarded with a hefty amount of rewards proportional to the amount of stars they have been able to accumulate. In addition, they will be rewarded with a one time only reward - the 4* Electro Resonator Yuanwu.

Tower Rewards

It is highly recommended that players bring Resonators at at least level 60-70 and with decently built skill level and Echoes upgrades in order to actually obtain all of the stars 

Hazard Zone

The Hazard Zone is the last Zone of the Tower of Adversity, consisting of 3 zones of challenges, containing 10 different stages that require players to defeat large groups of enemies within the time limit in order to be able to obtain the rewards. If players manage to clear the stages before a certain time threshold passes, they will be rewarded with stars corresponding to the amount of time they spent, with each stage rewarding 3 stars each, up to 30 stars in total.

Hazard Zone

Unlike the Stable Zone and the Experimental Zone, the Hazard Zone is special in that its challenges and rewards will be reset after a set period of time have passed, making it the pen ultimate endgame content for Wuthering Waves. As such it is highly recommended that players need to have fully leveled their Resonators, Weapon and Echoes before attempting to fully obtain all of the available stars in this Zone to obtain all of the available rewards. Due to the challenge contents of the Zone constantly changing, it is also recommended that players build a variety of Resonators to deal with different types of enemies should the need arise.

Tower of Adversity Shop

Upon completing challenges in the Tower of Adversity, players will be able to obtain special exclusive currencies that can be used to exchange exclusive rewards in the Tower of Adversity shop. 

Tower Shop

The more challenge zones players have cleared, the more rewards will be unlocked for players to obtain and exchange for. In addition, with the Hazard Zone constantly changing, players will be able to accumulate a decent amount of Tower of Adversity currencies once they have been able to consistently clear the challenges in the Tower of Adversity Hazard Zone.

Tower of Adversity - Tips And Tricks

The following are some important tips and tricks players should pay attention to in order to advance in the Tower of Adversity, especially if they want to be able to clear all of the contents and obtain all of the rewards:

Manage Resonators Vigor Cost

When challenging a stage in the Tower of Adversity, each time players use Resonators to finish a challenge stage, they will consume a set amount of Resonator Vigor Cost. The higher the stage in each zone, the more Vigor it will cost the Resonators to complete the stages. This severely limits the amount of time a Resonator can participate in clearing the stages in each Zone, with each Resonator being able to clear at most 4 challenges stages in a row before they are unavailable to be used further. 

Team Set Up

However, if players know how to manage their Resonator vigor well, they can use less powerful Resonators to clear the less difficult stages at the start of the zone and use more powerful Resonators for the more challenging ones after they have finished the first few challenge stages. Players need to be keenly aware of who they use for each challenge.

Build Multiple Teams Of Resonators

Due to the dangerous and tedious nature of many of the fights in Tower of Adversity and accounting for the fact that it is intended to be Wuthering Waves’ main end game content for players, it is highly recommended that players build multiple teams of Resonators in order to be able to fight against different types of enemies.

Tower Multiple Team Setups

Team building synergies and the sheer amount of built Resonator will make Tower of Adversity become more bearable in the long term, helping to allow players to gain a large amount of premium currencies and special exclusive rewards as well.

Always Pay Attention To Hazard Zones

As the Hazard Zone is the zone that will constantly reset after a period of time, it is extremely important that players pay attention to when a new rotation of the zone happens in order to obtain all of the rewards available for the players during that Hazard Zone reset rotation.

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