Zenless Zone Zero

Zenless Zone Zero Combat Guide - Everything You Need To Know About Combat

2024-05-22 01:09:06 by:Lucas

As many players have had the chance to experience Zenless Zone Zero through its Amplifying Close Beta Test and have had the time of their life to experience all of the things the game have to offer, including the game’s dynamic combat systems, other players may have yet to be able to experience the intricacies and interesting things that the combat of Zenless Zone Zero have to offer. In addition, there exist many interesting details and mechanics that are built into the combat system of Zenless Zone Zero that many players may not have known or been able to master to the fullest.


In this guide, we will go over all the things players need to know about Zenless Zone Zero’s intricate combat system in order to have the most satisfying combat experience in the game with information and experience provided from the game’s Amplifying Test.

Please note that this information is taken from Zenless Zone Zero’s Close Amplifier Beta Test, meaning that some of these contents may experience some changes and adjustments once the game officially launches and may differ from the details listed in this article.

Zenless Zone Zero Combat System - Everything You Need To Know

The combat of Zenless Zone Zero is a very fast pace combat with players controlling 1 Agents on the battlefield at a time and players can switch between Agents by a push of a button, allowing players to dynamically change the playstyle constantly by switching between characters and allow them to support each other with various different abilities and skills unique to each Agents.

Basic Controls & Attacks

The game’s basic controls are the same as other games made by Mihoyo, where players will be able to do normal attacks with the agents by constantly clicking the Left Mouse button on PC or tapping the screen on mobile. Holding the attack button will allow Agents to do a more enhanced basic attack, which somewhat delays their action but allows for more power damage in return. The main gameplay combo of most Agents in the game consist of Basic Attacks and Enhanced Basic Attacks spamming to deal the most amounts of damage to the enemies as quickly as possible.

Aside from the normal attacks, players can also dodge enemies’ attacks by using the right mouse button on keyboard or clicking the dodge button, this will allows the Agents to quickly move forward in the direction they are moving currently to either dodge enemies’ attacks or to quickly approach the enemies for attacks of their own.

Players can also switch the current Agents on the field by clicking the Space bar on PC or choosing the switch button, which will cycle through the Agents in the order that the players have set them in the team. The switch Agents button has a special limited charge that will gradually recharge overtime, however, if the charge runs out, players can’t switch out of the current Agent on field unless the switch button recharges.

Agent’s Skills & Ultimates

Unlike other games, Agents Skills and Ultimates in this game aren’t tied to your typical cooldown system where players can use the Agents’ skill whenever and need to wait for cooldown to end to use it again. Instead, the Agents Skills and Ultimate system in Zenless Zone Zero relies on a special bar charging mechanic.


When hitting the enemies with the Agent’s normal basic attacks and enhanced basic attacks, the Agent’s Energy Bar will gradually fill up. When the Energy bar has charges, the players can use the Agent’s EX Special Attacks by clicking E. These Energy bars are charged independently for every Agent, meaning if players want to use the EX Special Attacks of all 3 Agents, they will need to switch in between the agents for them to attack and gradually fill up their own Energy Bars.

For Agent’s Ultimate, the Decibels bar functions the same way as the Agent’s Energy bar, however, it can be charged faster from Agents using their skill and the bar is universal. This means that if players were to use the Ultimate of 1 of the 3 agents, they will use up all of the charge on the Ultimate bar and will need to fill it up once again in order to use the Ultimate move of the other Agents.

Daze And Chain Attacks

When attacking enemies with normal basic attacks, enhanced basic attacks and EX Special Skills, not only will players be able to damage the enemies’ HP bar, they will also increase the enemies’ special Daze Bar. Once the players have hit the enemies’ enough time, their Daze Bars will fill up to max and they will be forced to enter the Stunned state and take a massive instance of damage known as Stun Damage. During this state, enemies will not be able to move or attack, and if players were to attack the enemy in this state, they will be able to trigger a special type of attack known as a Chain Attack.

Chain attacks will trigger if players hit the stunned enemies with Heavy Attacks, allowing players to enter a special countdown screen where they can switch to other characters immediately to damage them with various combo attacks. When fighting against Elite enemies, players can chain up to 3 chains of Character switching, allowing all of the agents in the squad to deal massive amounts of damage to the enemy and charging up both the Energy Bars and the Decibels Bar for Agent’s EX Special Attacks and Ultimate attacks. If players have a Bangboo equipped, they can trigger the Bangboo’s special assist effects as well during these chain attacks.

Perfect Assist & Assist Follow Up

Against strong enemies and elite bosses, before the enemies attacks, there will be special points where players can see a flash of light appear before the enemies attack. Once the players see these flashing lights, they can immediately switch the current on field Agent with another in order to trigger a special Perfect Assist effect. Doing a perfect Assist will consume an Agent Switching point and these can be regenerated by triggering chain attacks throughout the battle.

When triggering a Perfect Assist, players will be able to completely nullify the damage from the enemy’s attack and the switched in Agent will perform a special Assist Follow Up attack against the enemy if the player were to use their Basic Attack immediately. These Perfect Assist are divided into 2 different types depending on the type of Agents that you switch in, with Defensive Assist allows you to interrupt the enemy’s attack and make their Daze meter increase by a large amount and Evasive Assist, which when trigger, allow you evade the enemy’s attack and slow down the surrounding environment for a short time.

If the Perfect Assist can not be triggered, instead of a glowing yellow light when the enemies attack, players will see a glowing Red light instead.

Elemental Build Ups & Effects

When attacking the same enemies with the Agent’s EX Special Attacks, depending on the Agent’s element, they will inflict elemental damages on to the enemy and once the elemental damage accumulates to a certain point, the enemies will suffer elemental effects based on which types of elemental damage they have been hit with.

These Elemental effects are dependant on the Agent’s element and have the following effects:

- Fire Anomaly Build Up: Enemies will be inflicted with the Burn effect, taking constant Fire Elemental damage over a set period of time.


- Ice Anomaly Build Up: Enemies will be inflicted with the Freeze and Frostbites effects. Frozen enemies can’t take any actions and will take Shatter damage when the status ends, while Frostbit enemies will take increased Critical damage.


- Electric Anomaly Build Up: Enemies will be inflicted with the Shock effect, taking damage every once and a while. Machine type enemies will have their attacks interrupted when inflicted with the Shock status.


- Ether Anomaly Build Up: Enemies will be inflicted with the Corruption effect, interrupting their attacks and making them take additional Ether Damage.


- Disorder Effect: When inflicted with 2 different elements damage back to back, enemies will suffer more damage and their Daze meter will be filled quicker when attacked.