Wuthering Waves

Wuthering Waves Gacha System - Everything You Need To Know

2024-03-01 17:30:00 by:Lucas

With Wuthering Waves having officially launched, allowing players to experience many of the game’s mechanics and gameplay functions first hand, players also have a chance to experience one of the game’s most important aspects - the Gacha System. As with many other gacha games, it is of utmost importance that players have a thorough understanding of the gacha system in the game with special Limited Character Banner, Limited Weapon Banner and the Standard Banners.


When experiencing the gacha in Wuthering Waves, the Gacha System Rules and Starting Rate Up Banners players can experience are as followed:


Novice Convene

Novice Convene

Banner’s Duration: Permanent

Availability: Available to all players until they have done 50 rolls on the banner

Banner Currency:

Lustrous Tide
(Provides Standard Banner Convene after use)


Novice Convene is Wuthering Waves’ special starter banner, which allows players to roll for a total of 50 pulls on the banner at a discounted price of 8 Lustrous Tides to do 10 pulls (20% OFF). Players will only be able to do up to 50 pulls for this Novice Convene banner, however, the most important thing is that, once players reached the 50 pulls mark, they are guaranteed to obtain at least 1 Standard 5* Resonator on their 50th pull.


The list of possible Standard 5* Resonators you can obtain from the Novice Convene banner are as followed:














- It is possible for players to obtain more than 1 Standard 5* Resonator from the Novice Convene banner.

- For every 10 pulls made, players are guaranteed a 4* or a higher rarity item.

- The Convenes made in this Novice Convene banner will NOT be counted towards the pity counter of other banners, including the Character Event Convene banner and the Character Permanent Convene banner.

Character Event Convene

Limited character convene

Banner’s Duration: Limited Duration

Availability: Available for a limited time, with 1 brand new event character having increased chance of appearing.

Banner Currency:

Radiant Tide
(Provides Event Character Convene after use)


Character Event Convene banners are the special limited time banners featuring limited time available characters on rate up for a limited time only. The Rated Up Limited 5* Resonators available on these banners will have their obtain rate increased with players having a 50% chance of obtaining the character whenever they obtain a 5* Resonator during the banner’s duration.


Banner Pity Details

- The base rate for a 5* Resonator is 0.8%, the overall rate for a 5* Resonator (including pity) is 1.8%.

- For every 10 pulls made, players are guaranteed a 4* or a higher rarity item.

- You are guaranteed to obtain 1 5* Resonator for every 80 Convenes made on Character Event Convene banners.

- Everytime a 5* Resonator is obtained, there is a 50% chance of the 5* Resonator being the Rated Up Limited 5* Resonator.

- If the 5* Resonator obtained from the banner is not the Rated Up Limited 5* Resonator, the next 5* Resonator obtained from the banner will be Guaranteed to be the Rated Up Limited 5* Resonator.

- The pity counter for each Character Event Convene banners will carry over to future Character Event Convene banners.


The rate for the 5* Resonator obtained during Character Event Convene banners are as followed:

  • 50% Chance to obtain the Rated Up Limited 5* Resonator



  • 50% Chance to obtain one of the following Standard 5* Resonator












Note: It is currently unknown whether characters featured in the Character Event Convene banners will only be available for a limited time only during their Character Event Convene or if they will be added into the Character Permanent Convene banner once their featured banner time is up. 

Weapon Event Convene

Limited Weapon Convene

Banner’s Duration: Limited Duration

Availability: Available for a limited time, with 1 brand new event weapon having guaranteed chance of appearing.

Banner Currency:

Forging Tide
(Provides Event Weapon Convene after use)


Weapon Event Convene is a tie in weapon banner available alongside the Character Event Convene banner for a limited time. During the banner’s duration, players can obtain the limited time Rated Up 5* Weapon with a 100% chance if they are to obtain a 5* Weapon in the banner.


Banner Pity Details

- The base rate for a 5* Weapon is 0.8%, the overall rate for a 5* Weapon (including pity) is 1.8%.

- For every 10 pulls made, players are guaranteed a 4* or a higher rarity item.

- You are guaranteed to obtain 1 5* Weapon for every 80 Convenes made on Weapon Event Convene banners.

- Everytime a 5* Resonator is obtained, there is a 100% chance of the 5* Weapon being the Rated Up Limited 5* Weapon.

- The pity counter for each Weapon Event Convene banners will carry over to future Weapon Event Convene banners.


Note: It is currently unknown whether characters featured in the Weapon Event Convene banners will only be available for a limited time only during their Weapon Event Convene or if they will be added into the Weapon Permanent Convene banner once their featured banner time is up. 

Character Permanent Convene

Standard Character Convene

Banner’s Duration: Permanent

Availability: Available for all players


Banner Currency:

Lustrous Tide
(Provides Standard Banner Convene after use)

The Character Permanent Convene is Wuthering Wave’s permanent character banner and is available for all players to roll on using the standard Lustrous Tide. Players will be able to obtain a Standard 5* Resonator in the banner for every 80 pulls they have done.


Banner Pity Details

- The base rate for a 5* Resonator is 0.8%, the overall rate for a 5* Resonator (including pity) is 1.8%.

- For every 10 pulls made, players are guaranteed a 4* or a higher rarity item.

- You are guaranteed to obtain 1 5* Resonator for every 80 Convenes made on the Character Permanent Convene banner.


The list of possible Standard 5* Resonators you can obtain from the Character Permanent Convene banner are as followed:












Weapon Permanent Convene

Standard Weapon Convene

Banner’s Duration: Permanent

Availability: Available for all players


Banner Currency:

Lustrous Tide
(Provides Standard Banner Convene after use)

The Weapon Permanent Convene is Wuthering Wave’s permanent weapon banner and is available for all players to roll on using the standard Lustrous Tide. Players will be able to pick the rate up 5* weapon among the 5 Standard 5* Weapons of the Winter Brume series and be able to obtain the selected 5* weapon at 100% chance once they have done 80 Convenes.


Banner Pity Details

- The base rate for a 5* Weapon is 0.8%, the overall rate for a 5* Weapon (including pity) is 1.8%.

- For every 10 pulls made, players are guaranteed a 4* or a higher rarity item.

- You are guaranteed to obtain the selected Standard 5* Weapon for every 80 Convenes made on the Weapon Event Convene banner.


The list of possible Standard 5* Weapons you can obtain from the Weapon Permanent Convene banner are as followed:


Abyss Surges


Winter Brume Gauntlets

Emerald of Genesis

Winter Brume Sword

Lustrous Razor


Winter Brume BroadSword

Static Mist


Winter Brume Pistols

Cosmic Ripples

Winter Brume Rectifier

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