Wuthering Waves

Wuthering Waves - Jiyan VS Yinlin - Who Should You Roll For

2024-05-23 19:09:10 by:Lucas

With Wuthering Waves having been officially released on all servers and on multiple platforms, players will now be able to experience the world of Wuthering Waves and try their hands on various different Resonators that the game have available for them to experience in order to uncover the mystery behind the game’s Lament phenomenon. As with many gacha games, however, players of Wuthering Waves will be treated with a special rated up banner for a limited time for certain special Limited Characters and their weapons. For Wuthering Wave’s first content patch 1.0, the 2 Limited Characters that players will be able to roll for are the 5* Aero Resonator Jiyan and the 5* Electro Resonator Yinlin.


In this guide, we will go over the pros and cons of the 2 Limited Rate Up Banners, featuring the 2 5* Limited  Resonators in Wuthering Wave’s 1.0 Update, Jiyan and Yinlin, and advises players on which of the 2 Limited Resonators and their banner the players should focus on.


Jiyan Ultimate

Jiyan VS Yinlin - Which Character Players Should Focus On

With Wuthering Waves release and many players excited to try out everything the game have to offer, including the game’s gacha banners and mechanics, 2 special rate up banner featuring 2 new Limited Characters will also be introduced to players during Wuthering Waves’ First Update patch 1.0, allowing players to obtain 2 Limited 5* Resonators - the 5* Aero Resonator Jiyan and the 5* Electro Resonator Yinlin.


Jiyan is a 5* Limited Resonator of the Aero element and wields a broadblade as his main weapon. He is the general of the Nightguards and is Wuthering Wave’s first ever Limited Character to be rated up. His playstyle revolves around dealing normal and heavy attacks to groups of enemies, dealing Aero Damage and enhancing his own damage output by triggering his Resonance Liberation.




Jiyan’s gameplay revolves around players constantly dealing damage to enemies using his normal and heavy attacks in order to charge up his Forte Gauge. When Jiyan’s Forte Gauge has reached 50% or more, he will be able to enter enhanced form and be able to deal cast Enhanced Resonance Skill and Enhanced Resonance Liberation. 


Jiyan’s Resonance skill allows him to do a short lunge into the enemies, dealing Aero damage along the way. When the forte gauge is filled, Jiyan’s Resonance skill will consume some of the forte gauge and have its range and damage is significantly increased. If Jiyan is in Qingloong mode, the skill will be enhanced throughout the mode’s duration.

Jiyan Ult

Jiyan’s Resonance Liberation allows him to enter his Qingloong form, enhancing his Anti-interruption and turns all of his normal attacks, heavy attacks and dodge counters into the heavy attack - Lance of Qingloong, dealing 3 instances of Aero damage every hit. When in enhanced form, Jiyan’s overall damage output is increased significantly and his Resonance Liberation will deal a massive instance of Aero damage to all enemies within a wide area, allowing him to deal much more Aero damage to enemies and turning him into a very competent DPS character.


Yinling is Wuthering Wave’s 2nd Limited Character on rate up after Jiyan and is a 5* Limited Resonator of the Electro element that wields a rectifier as her main weapon of choice. Yinlin’s gameplay revolves around controlling her puppet “Zapstring” and its various abilities to both enhance Yinlin’s own damage output and inflict the enemies with various different types of “Marks” debuffs.


Yinlin’s main gimmick revolves around her and her puppet’s “Zapstring” ability to inflict enemies with special “Sinners’ Marks” when doing dodge counter or attacking them. When an enemy is inflicted with “Sinners’ Mark”, they will take more damage from Yinlin’s abilities, skills and Resonance Liberation.


Yinlin’s main damaging output comes from her Forte Gauge effect, which allows her to accumulate Judgement Points when attacking enemies. Once the points have reached its max, Yinlin will unleash a devastating instance of Electro damage in a wide area, converting enemies’ “Sinners’ Mark” into “Punishing Mark” and make it so that enemies with “Punishing Mark” will take constant Electro damage.


Yinlin’s Resonance Skill allows her to change her puppet into discharging Electro damage in a wide area and grants Yinlin the Magnetic State. While in this state, Yinlin’s damage output is massively increased and hitting enemies with “Sinners’ Mark '' will allow her to do additional damage.

Yinlin Ult

Finally, Yinlin’s Resonance Liberation skill allows her to discharge a massive AOE Electro damage instance and links an enemy with her puppet. While the link exist, the enemy will always have “Sinners’ Mark”

Which Banners Should You Roll On

Before debating on which of the 2 banners players should roll on, it is important to note that, if players were to favor one Resonator over the other due to preferences or their love for the characters’ playstyle, personality or story, then players should prioritize getting the character they like. 


However, if players are debating on which of the 2 Resonators they should get purely for gameplay and meta reasons, then players should consider some of these points:

Jiyan VS Yinlin - Which 5* Is More Beneficial To Have

As we have already detailed all of the important things in terms of playstyle players should know about Jiyan and Yinlin, it is quite an interesting task to compare the both of them together to determine which one is more worth rolling for.

Jiyan Banner

Both Jiyan and Yinlin fall into the DPS Resonator role, with both of their playstyles focusing on different aspects from each other. Jiyan’s main gameplay revolves around him entering his Enhance form in order to overwhelm enemies with his sheer damage output, while Yinlin’s gameplay style focuses more on dealing damage in a wide AOE area and dealing more damage against enemies that was inflicted with her own debuff.

Yinlin banner

However, if players were to compare the damage output and usefulness of both Resonators, Yinlin’s usefulness is slightly above that of Jiyan. Yinlin’s ability to debuff enemies and deal AOE damage makes her a very good character to bring to many different teams that want Resonators who can help enable reactions. Coupled that with the fact that Yinlin’s own damage can be supplemented further by making her a Sub DPS and you get yourself a more diverse Resonator to have.


While Jiyan is a very powerful DPS character and is the premium Aero Damage dealer, his overall team setups and utility falls short when compared to Yinlin’s incredibly versatile skill kit.

The Rate Up 4 Stars Resonators

For players who are not rolling on the 2 Limited Banners for the 5* Resonator and solely for the 4* Rated Up Resonators, here are some comparisons that you can take into consideration as well.

Jiyan Banner 4* Resonators

Jiyan’s banner features Chixia,Danjin and Mortefi as the rated up 4* Resonators. All 3 of these rated up resonators are extremely good and are useful in many different team comps. Not counting Chixia who is free for every players, Danjin is a very good Havoc element damage dealer with the ability to sacrifice her own HP in order to boost her damage output, and Mortefi is one of the best Sub Dps character who not only can deal good Fusion damage to enemies but can also boost the damage output of the team when he is not on field.



Yinlin Banner 4* Resonators


Yinlin’s banner features Taoqi, Aalto and Yuanwu as 4* resonators on rate up. Not counting Yuanwu who is free for all players to grab, Taoqi is a very good defensive sub DPS character with her ability to grants the team shield whenever she parry enemies’ attacks, and Aalto is a very dynamic Aero DPS character with the ability to deal damage to multiple enemies in a wide area with his shots.


In terms of 4* Resonators on rate up, both banners feature extremely good Resonators that players would benefit greatly from having them. So if players were to only want to roll for 4* Resonators, rolling on both banners is highly recommended.

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