Wuthering Waves

Wuthering Waves: 5 Important Locations You Should Visit (7/2 Update)

2024-05-31 15:16:33 by:Sidneymar

Information in this article is based on Version 1.1 of Wuthering Waves. 

Last updated 02 July 2024.


House of Wonders (Chest Island)

House of Wonders located North East of Jinzhou City includes an enticing island filled with chests from Common Supply Chests to Premium Supply Chests. Before you can unlock these chests, you will need to talk to the Treasure Store’s Hostess located on the small island.

Wiki Guides

House of Wonders

House of Wonders ‘island’ located North East of Jinzhou City


The Treasure Store Hostess will introduce you to the treasure hunt activity, where players can submit 5 Raw Fish for one chance to participate. Opening any chest will trigger the next part of the quest to inquire about the treasure hunt activity for two NPCs on the bridge.

Treasure Hunt Activity entry/participation fee

Treasure Hunt Activity entry/participation fee.


After attempting to speak to the NPCs, you will have to eavesdrop their conversation from behind the crates located behind the female NPC. Going to this location will prompt an eavesdrop action.

Eavesdrop location behind crates on the bridge

Eavesdrop location behind crates on the bridge.


After eavesdropping the conversation, you learn cats are able to guide you to the jackpot chest as the scent of the fish you hand in for participation is left on the jackpot chest. (The jackpot chest is placed by the Treasure Store’s Hostess).

Players can now submit another 5x Raw Fish for another chance. Before selecting your chest, head to the cat located next to the NPCs you eavesdropped on the bridge. After feeding this
cat one raw meat, it will lead you to the jackpot chest.

Feeding the cat

Feeding the cat.

Random treasure chest that the cat will lead you towards

Random treasure chest that the cat will lead you towards.


Lion Dance Challenge

Speaking to Xiuyi in Jinzhou City will give players the opportunity to complete a ‘Lion Dance Challenge’ where you need to perform as many backflips as possible while landing on a specific area above crates. There are 3 different levels with increasing difficulty, each level with 3 goals to reach.

The first goal of each level is to reach 5 backflips, the second goal of each level is to reach 10 backflips and the last goal each level is to finish with more than 10 backflips in the 30 second period.

Touching the ground below the boxes or failing a backflip attempt will fail the challenge, ending the time and giving players the option to start again.

above crates

Lion Dance

Lion Dance Challenge Located in Jinzhou City. Head towards the ‘Gift’ Icon in the city where you will find an NPC with the challenge.


Red Mist Enemies (33 Enemy Locations) 

Found in various locations on Solaris-3 are enemies enshrouded by a red mist. These enemies each have a unique level ranging up to level 120. Defeating one of each type of these enemies will guarantee a tacet discord (Echo). As of Version 1.0, the rarity of the echo dropped is based on the level of the red mist enemy. Lvl60+ enemies will drop 5 star echoes. This is great for obtaining Data Bank XP for early level players, but higher level enemies pose a very difficult challenge as they will one shot low-level players.

Some Red Mist Enemies are found in clusters and are usually with enemies of the same type, so not every battle will be a 1v1.

As of Version 1.0, there are 33 Red Mist enemies found in Solaris-3. The estimated respawn time is 4 days. Here are the locations from lowest level to highest level:

Red Chaserazor

Location Chaserazor

Level 25 ‘Red Mist’ Chaserazor Location


Red Geohide Saurian

Location Geohide

Level 30 ‘Red Mist’ Geohide Saurian Location


Red Autopuppet

Location Autopuppet

Level 40 ‘Red Mist’ Autopuppet Scout Location


Red Havoc Dreadmane

Location havoc Dreadmane

Level 40 ‘Red Mist’ Havoc Dreadmane Location


Red Chasm

Location Chasm Guard

Level 45 ‘Red Mist’ Chasm Guardian Location


Red Boar

Location Sabyr

Level 50 ‘Red Mist’ Sabyr Boar Location


Red Roseshroom

Location Roseshroom

Level 60 ‘Red Mist’ Roseshroom (Mature) x2 Location


Red Illuminator

Location Traffic

Level 60 ‘Red Mist’ Traffic Illuminator Location


Red Diamondclaw

Location Diamondclaw

Level 70 ‘Red Mist’ Diamondclaw Location


Red Diamondclaw Entrance

Entrance to Level 70 ‘Red Mist’ Diamondclaw Location


Red Fracsidus

Location Fractsidus

Level 80 ‘Red Mist’ Fractsidus x3 Location. They are high in the sky on a floating bridge. They do not drop any echoes.


Red Obelisk

Location Stonewall

Level 85 ‘Red Mist’ Stonewall Bracer Location. At the very top of the cliff.


Red Prisms

Location Elemental Prism

Level 90 ‘Red Mist’ Elemental Prisms (Glacio, Fusion, Spectro & Havoc) Location


Red Zig Zags

Location Zig Zags

Level 100 ‘Red Mist’ Zig Zag, Whiff Whaff & Snip Snap Location


Glacio Dreadmane

Location Glacio Dreadmane

Level 100 ‘Red Mist’ Glacio Dreadmane x2 Location


Clang Bang

Location Clang Bang

Level 100 ‘Red Mist’ Clang Bang Location


Red Herons

Location Feathered Heron

Level 110 ‘Red Mist’ Cyan-Feathered Heron & Violet-Feathered Heron Location


Red Spearback King

Location Spearback

Level 120 ‘Red Mist’ Speakback King Location


Red Monke

Location Monke

Level 120 ‘Red Mist’ Hoochief x1 and Hooscamp x2 Location


Mighty Lightcrusher

Location Mighty Lightcrusher

Level 120 ‘Red Mist’ Mighty Lightcrusher Location


Construct Protective Scales

Location Construct

Level 120 ‘Red Mist’ Construct: Protective Scales Location


Free 4* Weapon (Tiger’s Maw)

Shilang is an NPC located on the top level on the west side of Tiger’s Maw. Speaking to this NPC will allow players to access Hokou Ore Store, which has various ascension materials and level up potions in exchange for various types of ores. The most notable item available is the Orignite Weapon Box available for 80x Lampylumen Ore.

Shilang's location


The Originite Weapon Box provides one weapon of choice from the Originite Weapon Series.

The Originite Weapon Box


Florid Youth Enemy

Florid Youth, part of the Exiles Faction, is located South West of Jinzhou City. Approaching this NPC will allow you to have a practice session in the form of a duel against Florid Youth. He does not have any increased resistances to a specific attribute, so this is the best open and well-lit area for showcasing characters and testing your damage.

There is no respawn timer after ‘defeating’ Florid Youth, so you will not have to wait for him to respawn.

Florid Youth (Exiles) Combat Practice Challenge Location

Florid Youth (Exiles) Combat Practice Challenge Location

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