Wuthering Waves

Wuthering Waves Tactical Hologram Guide - How To Clear Difficulty VI Challenges

2024-06-16 22:11:54 by:Lucas

With many players of Wuthering Waves having had the time to farm and obtain large amounts of materials to build the best possible Resonators, it is high time players start tackling some of the most important and difficult contents that Wuthering Waves have to offer to players to obtain all of the rewards from in order to advance further in the game and obtain brand new upcoming Resonators. One of the most important and difficult end game contents that players will have the pleasure of challenging is the special Tactical Holograms scattered around the world map, waiting for players to challenge the Hologram versions of the game’s most powerful foes and obtain its various amazing rewards.


In this guide, we will go over all the things players need to know and pay attention to when attempting to challenge one of the game’s end game mode - Tactical Hologram and advise players on some tips and tricks they should know in order to be able to clear the highest possible difficulty - difficulty VI for Tactical Holograms.


Tactical Hologram

Wuthering Waves Tactical Holograms - Everything You Need To Know

When players in Wuthering Waves have progressed enough in the game and have leveled up to level 30 and world SOL level 3, they will be able to automatically unlock special challenges contents scattered all over the world map, these challenges are known as Tactical Holograms and they will require players to have an understanding of how the game mechanics and combat works in order to be able to challenge and complete them.

Tactical Holograms - What Are They

Tactical Holograms are special permanent challenges that players can find scattered throughout their overworld, where they will have the chance to challenge the many different and challenging Overlord class enemies in their journey. These Tactical Holograms are different from the usual Overlord Class enemies in that their HP bar is extremely increased and players will need to complete the challenge under a certain time threshold as well.

Tactical Hologram Guide Book

Unlike Overlord Class enemies in the overworld meant for farming, these Tactical Holograms will restrict players in that they can only challenge these solo without the help of any other co-op players, making it an extreme skill test for players who have had a deep understanding of the game’s intricate combat system and have built their Resonators to a moderate degree of combat proficient.


There are a total of 4 tactical Holograms available currently in the game, corresponding to 4 major Overlord class enemies and 4 different elements: Tempest Mephis (Electro), Impermanence Heron (Havoc), Mourning Aix (Spectro) and Feilian Beringal (Aero). 

Tactical Holograms - Difficulties & Requirements

In order to challenge the Tactical Holograms, players will need to first activate their beacons on the overworld. These beacons are scattered throughout the Overworld and only players who have reached level 30 and above can activate these beacons to start to challenge the Holograms. 


Tempest Mephis Tactical Hologram can be found near Settle Range in Huanglong - Port City of Guixu

Tactical Hologram Thunder Mephis

Feilian Beringal Tactical Hologram can be found near Wenye Beach in Huanglong - Dim Forest

Tactical Hologram Belian

Mourning Aix Tactical Hologram can be found in Whining Aix’s Mire in Huanglong

Tactical Hologram Mourning Aix

Impermanence Heron Tactical Hologram can be found near the Corroded Ruins in Huanglong - Wuming Bay.

Tactical Hologram Heron

Once unlocked, players can challenge these Tactical Holograms an infinite amount of time. However, players will only be able to obtain first clear rewards the first time they clear the different Difficulty of these Tactical Hologram Challenges. Upon clearing a Difficulty, players will unlock the higher difficulty challenge right away and they will be able to challenge the higher difficulty regardless of their levels or their resonators level. The difficulty level for these Tactical Holograms increase from Difficulty I all the way to Difficulty VI, with difficulty I requiring at least Resonator level 30 and the highest recommending Resonators at level 90.

Tactical Holograms - Rewards & Shop

Upon successfully challenging each difficulty for each of the Tactical Hologram, players will be immediately rewarded with special first time clear rewards unique to each Tactical Hologram that they have challenged. The rewards are dependent on the difficulty that the players have managed to clear and the bosses of the Tactical Hologram. Each Tactical Hologram will only give the players the rewards once every first clear of each difficulty, meaning players can obtain up to at most 24 different first clear rewards, corresponding to the 4 Tactical Hologram bosses and 6 difficulty levels for each. The higher the difficulty, the more bountiful the first clear rewards the players will be able to receive.

Tactical Hologram Data Set

The first clear rewards for each difficulty includes 20 Astrites for each clear (a total of 480 astrites for all 24 first clear rewards), 1 Echo of the corresponding Tactical Hologram boss for every first difficulty clears, Echoes upgrading EXP materials and Shell Credits. Most importantly, upon first clearing each difficulty of the Tactical Holograms, players will be rewarded with a special currency: Data Set. Players can spend these special Data Set at the shop in order to obtain special unique rewards.

Tactical Hologram Shop

Players can spend their Data Set points in the Simulation Training Store under the Points Shop in the Store. This special Store allows players to exchange their Data Sets for special 1 time exchange items necessary for their journey and some special unique one of a kind items. The rewards players can obtain includes: 3 Lustrous Tides, Special Phantom Echoes for Thundering Mephis and Mourning Aix and Echoes upgrading materials like Tuners and Echoes EXP.

Tactical Holograms - Tips & Tricks To Clear Difficulty VI Challenges

As mentioned, each Tactical Hologram difficulty VI challenges are among the highest possible difficulties that players can fight in order to clear and obtain their rewards. Normally, these difficulty VI challenges require a full team of lv90 Resonators as recommended in order to clear. However, many skilled players who have demonstrated extreme mastery of the game’s combat system have been able to clear these difficulty VI challenges with lv60 or lv70 Resonators only. Therefore, here are some tips and tricks that we can offer for players to be able to challenge these difficulty VI Tactical Holograms.

Use Different Elemental Resonators

As mentioned, each of the Tactical Hologram bosses correspond to an element in the game: Tempest Mephis for Electro, Impermanence Heron for Havoc, Mourning Aix for Spectro and Feilian Beringal for Aero. This means that these bosses will resist some of the elemental damage dealt to them from Resonators of the corresponding element. So in order to challenge these enemies, it is highly recommended that players Do Not use DPS Resonators of the boss’ element in order to maximize the damage output for the DPS Resonator.

Dodge, Parry And Counters

Unlike in general gameplay where players can just simply brute force their way to victory through sheer damage, Tactical Hologram bosses are extremely agile and have an extremely big HP bar with devastating attacks that can one shot your resonators. Therefore, important game mechanics like dodge, parry and counters are extremely crucial for these challenges. Players should learn the Tactical Holograms’ bosses attack patterns and parry patterns and practice Parrying the bosses’ attacks before attempting to challenge the higher difficulty to ensure better chance of victory.


Timing is key in these fights, so players need to be able to learn to dodge, parry and counter at appropriate times in order to quickly deplete the enemies’ toughness bar and make them unable to move and take extra damage from attacks, otherwise most players will not have enough damage to defeat the bosses in time.

Build Your Resonators

The last bit of advice but is extremely simple in nature is that players need to build their Resonators to a satisfactory level in order to fulfill the steep damage output requirements to defeat the bosses on higher difficulty. Nothing is more frustrating than learning the entire boss attacking pattern and being able to completely counter the boss, only to realize that you completely lack the DPS to fell the bosses. So invest in your resonators before attempting these challenges.

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