Wuthering Waves

Wuthering Waves Tactical Simulacra Limited Time Event Guide - How To Clear All Stages

2024-07-25 22:42:46 by:Lucas

With the release of Changli and Wuthering Waves entering its content patch update 1.2 - Thaw of Eons’ 2nd half, many players can expect to experience many interesting and rewarding events where players can obtain a large amount of currencies and pulls to roll for the limited Resonator Changli and her exclusive limited time rated up weapon. One of the more difficult but rewarding events in this 2nd half of the update patch is the special limited time Tactical Simulacra event, where players will have to challenge large waves of Elite Enemies and bosses in succession in order to obtain points depending on how quickly they defeat the waves of bosses and accumulate points to obtain special limited rewards from the event. Players will also be able to borrow special limited time Resonators to playstest them in this event to obtain valuable points as well.


In this guide, we will go over the special limited time available Tactical Simulacra event and advise players on how they can take advantage of the event’s Resonators borrowing mechanics in order to clear all of the stages in the event and obtain all of the rewards by earning enough points.



Wuthering Waves Tactical Simulacra Limited Event - Everything You Need To Know

As mentioned, the Tactical Simulacra Limited Time event is a special event where players will be required to complete many difficult challenge stages by forming teams of Resonators using their own Resonators and the event’s special borrow Resonators in order to defeat waves of boss enemies and obtain points depending on how well they perform in each stage in order to obtain special rewards.

Tactical Simulacra - Challenges & Special Buffs

When participating in Tactical Simulacra, players will be treated with 6 different stages of challenges, each with their own gimmicks that players will need to read and understand in order to overcome the bosses and obtain the most amount of points possible.

The event provides the players with a roster of borrowable Resonators for a limited time depending on which of the stages they are challenging, with the Resonators being specifically picked to accommodate the different gimmicks that the stage wants the players to use to challenge them. If players do not have their Resonators or teams built to challenge this event, borrowing the different Resonators is a very good choice to consider.

Aside from the borrowable Resonators, each of the challenge stage will give players a choice between several different buffs that can help aid them in fighting the bosses, with the harder challenging stages requiring players to pick at least 2 out of the roster of buffs in order to be able to fight the enemies and quickly defeat them. These buffs are unique to each stage and players should choose them carefully to match with the playstyle of the Resonators they choose in order to best boost the combat capabilities of the Resonators.

The further down the stage, the more bosses players will need to challenge and the more buffs they can equip to make the process easier. At the 6th stage, players will be able to choose among all of the buffs from the previous stages and all of the borrowable Resonators, for a fighting gauntlet against 7 different enemies in succession, making it extremely difficult, so players should plan carefully before attempting the last stage’s challenge.

Tactical Simulacra - Points & Rewards

The points calculation of the different challenges will be dependent on the amount of bosses players challenge in each stage and the amount of time they require to defeat those bosses, the quicker the players manage to complete the challenge, the more points they will be rewarded with and the more rewards they can obtain. It is important to note that Resonators’ remaining health and surviving status does not affect the overall points that players can obtain at the end of each challenge, so the players don’t need to worry too much about survivability when challenging the event.


The rewards for the event are split into 2 different sections, Points earned per stage and accumulated points. For each of the stage challenges, players can obtain rewards once they have obtained 1000 points in each of the stages, for a total of 240 Astrites and various Resonator, Echo and Weapon upgrading materials.

The more difficult rewards are from the accumulated points reward section, where players will be rewarded depending on how many points they have obtained cumulatively throughout all 6 challenges, and rewards will be given out once the points they accumulated have reached certain thresholds. Players can obtain 260 astrites in total through this reward section, but more importantly, they will be able to obtain special Malleable Elite Class Echoes items, which when used, allows them to create and choose the perfect 3 Cost Echo with Elemental Dmg sub stats of their choosing, severely cutting down on time to farm for Echoes for specific Resonators in the game.

Wuthering Waves Tactical Simulacra Limited Event - How To Clear All Stages

Tactical Simulacra - Which Resonators & Buffs To Choose

Among the borrowable Resonators in the event, some of the resonators and buffs stand out as the best pick for each of the challenge stages, as many of the stages favor different elements and Resonators’ gimmick to help players clear the different stages as quickly as possible.


- Stage 1: Calcharo and Jiyan stand out as the prime Resonators to borrow in this stage as the stage’s buffs favor increasing Electro or Heavy Attack damage when the Resonators in the team attacks. For buffs, if players were to borrow Calcharo as their main DPS, then they should choose the Electro buff. Otherwise, players should choose the Heavy Attack Damage buff if they intend to borrow Jiyan for the challenge.

- Stage 2: Jinhsi stands out as the optimal borrow option in this stage, as she is the only main DPS borrowing option in the stage that works well with the buffs the stage has to offer. Both of the buffs in this stage, increasing Spectro Damage and increasing Attack after Resonator uses Resonance Skills are both beneficial for Jinhsi thanks to her element and play style so players can choose either of these buffs depending on their preferences.

- Stage 3: Changli and Jinhsi are the optimal borrowing options for this stage, Changli a bit more so than Jinhsi. This challenge stage favors Fusion Elemental Resonators, due to the enemies’ weakness to Fusion and the different buffs in the stage increasing the damage output of Fusion resonators immensely. If players were to borrow Changli, players should choose the Reverberance and Blaze buffs to boost the Normal Attack Damage of Changli and boost her Fusion damage output when she is on the field.

- Stage 4: Encore and Changli are the optimal borrowing options in this stage as well. The buffs on this stage favors almost all resonators in the game as they buffs the damage dealt by resonators when they counterattack, dodge or uses Resonator Skills, therefore, as long as players are decently good at dodging enemies’ attacks and counter attacking, they can choose whichever buffs they want from the 3 options.

- Stage 5: Once again, Calcharo and Jiyan stand out as the prime Resonators to borrow in this stage as the stage’s buffs favor increasing Electro or Aero damage when the Resonators in the team attacks. For buffs, if players were to borrow Calcharo, they should get the Electro buff and the Harmony buff to help increase the Electro damage and recover more energy. As for Jiyan, players should use the Aero Damage buff and Harmony buff as well.

- Stage 6: This stage includes all of the borrowable Resonators in the event and all of the buffs, so players should choose the Resonators and the buffs depending on their favorite playstyles in order to challenge the stage. If they don’t have a good option, borrowing Jinhsi in this stage is recommended thanks to her big damage output and beneficial buff effects.

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